Our Mission
Our mission is win souls to Christ.
Core Values
We Value Apostolic Teaching: We strongly believe that the message of the first-century church will impact our community for Christ as it did in the first century. We can be culturally relevant and remain doctrinally pure. This message is timeless, but our methods adapt to those we are called to serve. We believe Apostolic teaching will be accompanied by the demonstration of the Spirit.
We Value Godly Living: We strongly believe that in order to influence our community for Christ, we must be holy, separated, righteous and Christ-like individuals. Obedience to the Holy Spirit in us will produce Christ's example through us.
We Value Spiritual Communion: We strongly believe in the power of Prayer, Praise and Worship, both personally and collectively. We are committed to intercessory prayer and excellence in worship.
We Value People: We strongly believe that people are important to God and therefore must be important to the church. People must be shown that they are significant and accepted. We must treat them with the same love, care, kindness, friendliness and patience as He does. We must build strong families and relationships that are God-centered and God-influenced.
We Value Spiritual Leadership: We strongly believe in being led by the Spirit and in leading by the Spirit. God has called every believer to leadership and has uniquely gifted them for creative forms of ministry. The call to leadership is a call to godly service and example. We are committed to team ministry and unified to fulfill God's purpose for our church.
We Value Giving: We strongly believe that sacrifice cannot be separated from Christian service. That the support of the work of God with one's finances, time and abilities is the responsibility of all true Christians. Investing in the cause of Christ is the greatest investment that we can make with our lives.
We Value Outreach: We strongly believe that this community needs to experience the life-changing power of the Gospel. It is this church's responsibility to communicate this message to our city.